Episode .

Ep.16 Let’s talk about Web3 and Fashion

Welcome to Web3 Weekly by Blockstars: Web3 and Fashion:The 16th episode of the Blockstars Web3 Weekly Podcast is called “Let’s Talk About Web3 and Fashion” and the hosts, including Corey from Charlie Holiday, discuss the Web3 adoption in the fashion industry.
Welcome to Web3 Weekly by Blockstars, your go-to source for all things Web3 and Blockchain, hosted by the Blockstars team. Our mission is to educate and guide you on your Web3 journey. So, join us as we explore the fascinating world of Web3 and Blockchain together.
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Welcome to Web3 Weekly by Blockstars, hosted by the Blockstars team

We will be talking about everything Web3 and Blockchain. Apart from the weekly Podcast, we will also use this platform to include keynote speeches our team presents. We will keep this light and fun, and easy to listen to. We will dive deep into the technology from time to time, but our goal is to educate and bring all of you on the Web3 journey with us.

We will talk about popular technologies such as Blockchain, Development, NFTs and Crypto, and please be advised whatever is spoken about here is not financial advice.


Corey Schmid presents Charlie Holiday, an Australian fashion brand that is famous for its coastal and casual style and talks about the brand’s venture into the NFT world. The discussion concerns the strategic philosophy of including digital assets into the fashion world, which is to create a digital brand extension that appeals to both existing and new audiences. examine the manner in which non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and blockchain are transforming fashion branding, marketing, and consumer interactivity.

The hosts talk about NFTs as a game-changer for fashion branding and marketing. The focus is on the role of storytelling and customer experience in the digital world. They investigate the “phygital” experiences where physical and digital parts are combined, providing new approaches of improving brand interaction and customer attachment.

The conversation also touches sustainability and ethical issues in the production of fashion, proposing that blockchain technology could provide transparency and traceability in the supply chain, solving some of the industry’s problems.

Key Topics

Web3's Impact on Fashion: Analysis of how NFTs and blockchain technology are impacting fashion design, marketing, and consumer interaction.

Phygital Experiences: The combination of both physical and digital features to bring about immersive brand experiences.

Sustainability and Ethics in Fashion: The way blockchain can play a part in more transparent and responsible fashion production and consumption.

Thought-Provoking Questions

What is the best way for the fashion brands to integrate Web3 technologies in order to increase the value of the brand and customer engagement?

How do “phygital” experiences influence the future of fashion marketing and retail? What is an example of a Phygital?

What fashion companies are using blockchain? What luxury brands are using blockchain?

What is an NFT in fashion?

Blockchain In Fashion: Is It Ready? How can blockchain be used in retail?

How fashion brands are taking advantage of blockchain

What is the future of blockchain in retail?

What is blockchain in very simple terms? Where is blockchain actually being used?

Whether blockchain technology can solve the ethical and sustainability dilemmas that fashion faces nowadays?

To sum up, Episode 16 of the “Blockstars Web3 Weekly Podcast” represents a detailed view of the fascinating synergy between Web3 technology and fashion, thereby shedding light upon the advantages and disadvantages of the digital trends adoption within the fashion industry.

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Hope you guys Enjoy this light hearted episode! Tell us what else you would like us to cover on Blockstars Web3 Weekly.

Make sure to go check out our website for more info! https://blockstars.com.au

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Or drop us an email at: hello@blockstars.com.au

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